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Food is Medicine!

Food is SustEnance!

Food is Justice!

Tikkun Olam in the Kitchen

This is not your ordinary cookbook. Chock-full of healthy lifestyle "recipes" and with a consciousness towards the concept of participating in the process of healing the world , while also including mouth watering and delicious flavors from around the globe. 


This IS my passion project and my signature program. The definition of tikkun olam is "repairing the world". The concept integrates beautifully with my health coaching mission of helping others through lifestyle transitions to an improved well-being and ultimately a better world. 


The consciousness we bring to the dinner table includes the attention to how our food is grown, where it is grown, whom we purchase it from and how it is prepared. All make an impact upon the world we live in.

This book is definitely designed to give you some “food for thought" and my hope is that you will love and share my mission.  It is also a perfect complement to my health and wellness programs and can be a wonderful starting point to assist you with the design and development for your own healthy lifestyle process. 


I borrow the primary theme for my coaching programs from my personal interpretation of what "Tikkun Olam" means and the potential this concept holds. To heal, repair and transform the world. One that enable us to transform our lives by creating positive changes within self, and ultimately the world around us. Individually and collectively, we hold the ability to heal ourselves and the world. My book and the development of my unique health coaching programs are the result of an ongoing vision of mine for many years, witnessing the power of my own transformation in all areas of life that provide me with meaning, purpose and a mission. 

How I feed my own soul
I aspire to be a source of positive change.
I do what I love and love what I do.
I hope to set an example of self-development and growth.
I live each day with the freedom to choose what’s right for me.
I support others in the shift to better health.
I embrace learning and new ways to do things.
I want to create balance in all areas of my life.
I keep it simple and simplify everything.

My spiritual guides are an eclectic group of rabbis along with clergy of all faiths and I include secular, spiritual humanists, agnostics, atheists, psychologists, philosophers within this circle of people I learned so, so much from.  I've often referred to myself as a "Ju-Bu" having found the deepest spiritual connection within the wisdom of both Judaism and Buddhism. There was a time in my life where I was hungry to seek out spiritual guides who were able to engage in a dialogue about g_d, life, love, healing, gratitude and the pure potential for each one of us to live a balanced, healthy life no matter what our circumstances might be at any given moment in our lives. The result of this deeply spiritual g_d quest has been this idea of borrowing the concept of Tikkun Olam towards a simplified and easily understood process of steps on the road to healing the world with the knowledge that it begins with self! 


With "Tikkun Olam in the Kitchen™" and my lifestyle transition coaching programs, I adhere to the belief that food is medicine, food is sustenance and food is justice. Access to food is a basic human right and so I first begin with taking an honest look at what we, as individuals, can do to wholly commit to these concepts in our own world. I think it is important to review our own perceptions and lifestyle habits when I introduce  the concept of sustainability as it relates to animal agriculture. I also introduce you to your "bio-individual" needs, which is the idea that we are not only unique but that we thrive when we live a life that includes "primary foods" such as love, kindness, strong loving relationships and generosity. We then take a look at how we can easily participate in the world with an approach to sustainable lifestyles that include actions we can take to reduce our carbon footprints. 


These concepts are important to understand so that you can move forward with responsibility and holding self accountable. There is no sustainable healing of what is outside of us, unless we are willing to make changes within. You'll learn more about this as you journey through the process of healing the world, one "recipe" at a time. That "recipe" begins with you.


My Tikkun Olam Coaching Program works you from the "inside / out". It will challenge you throughout the transition process and I trust that you'll enjoy the journey! 
L'Chaim! To Life, Love and Joy!


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